Kid-Friendly Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day


Memorial Day is more than picnics, fireworks and the start to summer. It is also a great time to talk with your child about values such as patriotism and sacrifice behind all the festivities.

Here are some kid-friendly ways to celebrate the fun, and meaning, of Memorial Day.

1) Flag Ceremony. With your child, draw a picture of the flag and hold a small ceremony as you hang it on your front door. Say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing a patriotic song, such as the national anthem (The Star Spangled Banner), or My Country 'Tis of Thee

2) Attend a Parade.  If you cannot find a parade near you, watch the National Memorial Day parade held in Washington, D.C. on Monday, May 27, 2019 at 2:00 pm eastern. The parade will be streamed live on YouTube. Point out participating military units and veterans groups that are being honored for their service.

3) Thank a Military Family. Perhaps you have a family member or your child has a friend with a parent or sibling in the service. If so, your child can make a special drawing or card to thank them for the sacrifices that they and their families make every day to protect our freedom.

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