
"Oakley in Knots" Receives Two Creative Child Awards


"Oakley in Knots" Receives Two Creative Child Awards

Creative Child Magazine has presented two of its seals of achievement and desirability to Baxter’s Corner® products. Oakley in Knots, a book about an octopus who figures out how to untangle himself from difficult situations, is the recipient of the Creative Child Preferred Choice Award and the accompanying Oakley character wall art has received the Creative Child 2018 Product of the Year Award. Creative Child Magazine developed its awards program based on the belief that each child should discover what 'creativity' means to them. Studies have shown that children who are given an opportunity to be creative often will exhibit...

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Gerome the Giraffe Stands Tall


Gerome the Giraffe Stands Tall

From the Around the Corner Newsletter, Issue 4:      When I stand up straight, I am much taller than all my friends. It used to bother me when other kids laughed and pointed, so I decided to keep my head down to blend in and avoid attention.     That worked for awhile. But holding my head down did not feel right at all. My neck was not designed to be bent all the time and it started to hurt!      Then one day I used my long neck to reach up into a tall tree to rescue a friend...

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Why Ally the Alligator's Tail Swishes


Why Ally the Alligator's Tail Swishes

From the Around the Corner Newsletter, Issue 3:      My tail swishes or waves back and forth when I’m nervous or worried about something. The more nervous I am, the faster my tail moves.     I’m a pretty quiet alligator, and most of the time no one notices me.  But when I getnervous, watch out! That’s when my long tail starts twitching, and before I know it, it is swishing to and fro. Sometimes it waves so hard that I accidentally knock over chairs -- or even some of my smaller friends!     When my tail starts twitching, my...

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Baxter’s Corner® Partners with Family Scholar House for Weekly Storytime Camp

Baxter’s Corner® Partners with Family Scholar House for Weekly Storytime Camp

Baxter’s Corner, a locally founded and owned business that uses creativity and storytelling to affect positive behavioral choices, has partnered with Family Scholar House (FSH) to provide content and coordination for a 6-week Family Storytime camp to be held at the FSH Bradley Street Campus. FSH provides for young and under-supported parents by giving them a stable home and community, as well as support for their children, while they go back to school. Baxter’s Corner books are designed to initiate discussions between children and adults that help children develop critical thinking and essential social skills as they begin to understand...

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Fred the Frog Likes to Hop!


Fred the Frog Likes to Hop!

From the Around the Corner newsletter, Issue 2:           I love to hop! It is all I have wanted to do ever since I was a tadpole. I waited forever to grow legs so that I could start jumping lessons and hop out of the pond with my friends.          But one of my legs is shorter than the others and I have trouble controlling the direction of my hops. When I first tried to hop, it was awful! No matter where I aimed, I always landed somewhere else. I crashed into bushes, and one...

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